1. Overview
2. Diet
3. Energy Levels of Various Foods
4. Diarrhea
5. Colostrum
6. Metabolism
7. DJ's Daily Meal Plan


Diarrhea can decrease the absorption of nutrients and lower your energy level. It is therefore important that this symptom be addressed quickly to prevent it from having a weakening effect on your body.

The goal is to provide food for your gastrointestinal system that is simple and easy to digest. My dietary recommendations include the following.

  1. Rest often.
  2. Avoid milk, cheese and yogurt.
  3. Avoid fried foods, oils, mayonnaise.
  4. Increase high-fiber, complex carbohydrate foods such as oatmeal, barley, rice, pasta, potatoes and cracked wheat.
  5. Increase salt and potassium containing foods including bananas, fruit juices, whole grains, potatoes and green leafy vegetables.
  6. Keep your diet "dry". This means eating lots of "dry" whole grain toast, oatmeal, rice, etc., and also decreasing the amount of fats and oils that you consume. It does not mean to decrease your water consumption.
  7. Make sure fluid intake keeps up with fluid loss. The best fluids to drink are herb teas such as chamomile and peppermint, plain water and nutritious broths. Electrolyte replacement drinks such as Gatorade and Ricelyte (an over-the-counter pediatric electrolyte replacement formulat available in pharmacies) are also beneficial.


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